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Abandoned italian villas for sale

Let’s be honest, if someone has successfully bought an abandoned Italian villa for little money, they are more likely to keep it a secret. Good villas in Italy do not lie underfoot and to get such an expensive thing you need to have some luck and do a good job. But we know how to…

Let’s be honest, if someone has successfully bought an abandoned Italian villa for little money, they are more likely to keep it a secret. Good villas in Italy do not lie underfoot and to get such an expensive thing you need to have some luck and do a good job. But we know how to solve this problem. Sometimes you come across Italian villas like the ones in the video and it’s truly a success!

We would like to note that there are several approaches to finding abandoned villas in Italy that are available for sale.

  • The first method involves participating in auctions organized by municipalities, including considering the possibility of participating in auctions for the sale of houses for 1 euro. We will also provide detailed information on this in this article.
  • The second approach is to act like a jeweler who carefully selects a rare gemstone to dedicate a significant amount of time to it. You won’t find such abandoned places just by walking around or reading tabloids. It involves research, luck, and the right connections. Most likely, this is a path to discovering hidden buildings that are not immediately visible but have great potential both culturally and architecturally. Such properties are more akin to not just villas but something closer to a forgotten abbey, mansion, or a small abandoned castle.
  • There is also a third approach, and we will discuss it and provide links as well. This method is for investors willing to develop an entire region and engage with government programs. Special Italian government structures (government agencies) often offer quite tempting options for this purpose. (Or, having an understanding that negotiations are possible, you can make this option more interesting for yourself)… but more on that later.

Before returning to this article (because it really contains very useful information), watch this video and then subscribe to their channel. I don’t know these people, but I’m confident that if you are ready to follow the second approach and seek out abandoned gems (approach number 2), their channel (and similar ones) will be very useful to you.

Why is such abandoned real estate gaining popularity? There are several reasons for this:

  1. You can genuinely pay less for a large historical building and get an amazing place in such a popular tourist destination as Italy.
  2. Abandoned villas or mansions can be used for business. There are several examples where such properties are bought up, and hotels or special settlements are created in their place. For example, for the British, this is an opportunity to create a settlement for retirees.
  3. A farmhouse to renovate can be a good purchase for a family that has dreamed of owning property in a warm region with its own land and fruit orchards.

Before we continue, the article on 1 euro homes can give you a complete picture to understand all the possibilities. Note that a 1 euro offer rarely comes with adjacent land. If having a cozy place and your own territory is important to you, keep reading.

You can study it later because below you will find rare examples of abandoned houses and suggestions from architects for their restoration. This is impressive!

Do not forget! To buy an abandoned Italian villa, like another real estate in Italy, you will need an Italian Codice Fiscale (this is a tax number) and knowledge of the purchase procedure.

We wrote a book about cheap abandoned houses and villas. You can buy it here. This book takes into account many points on the reconstruction of destroyed houses and the procedure for purchasing them. Overall, this is useful material to dissuade you from your idea.

What are Italian villas and how do they differ from ordinary houses in Italy?

If you carefully study the issue, you will notice that most Italian houses have one of the following layouts:

You can find such houses in almost every city in Sicily or Italy. Some of them can be not only abandoned but also destroyed. But it turned out that such a house can also have its advantages.

Just look at what solutions architects offer when working with houses for 1 euro. Building the new next to the old is an excellent and beautiful solution. Let’s look at it schematically:

As we can see, with the right architectural approach, such a whole district of the city takes on a completely different look.

We assume that you’ve probably been to Italy, but if not, here they sell plane tickets. Please correct this quickly 😉 So, if you’ve been to Italian cities, you may have noticed that practically all their houses are old. A house that’s 100 years old? No way! That’s a very young house. The old houses are much older. Italians take pride in this! Just look at Sicily! They don’t paint the facades of their villas, mansions, and houses. Why? They’ll tell you. We’ll paint our facade, and Mount Etna will dirty it with its ash in six months. We love our villa; it’s a place with history. They love history very much and love to talk about it.

So, how can you buy an affordable, cozy old house for yourself? What if you start looking not like everyone else? We know that many sellers in Italy write: “Selling a vineyard, selling an olive grove, selling a farm.” And believe me, with such a search, you’ll have much more chances to find a house in a beautiful and picturesque location. Don’t thank us;) Just invite us over for a glass of good Italian wine when it all works out

Where do these real estate properties come from? This is managed by a special government agency – welcome to their website where you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions. Also, use large real estate portals, and if land is important to you, search with this characteristic. This way, you will get both a villa and additional land. To avoid mistakes, don’t forget about our book.

Abandoned villages for sale in italy

I must admit, you have quite an appetite! Searching for information on how to buy an abandoned village in Italy is something only a person of significant ambition, unafraid of challenges, would undertake. Let’s delve into this matter and obtain a detailed instruction.

To understand how abandoned villages become available for sale, let’s start from the beginning.

We have prepared amazing exclusive material for you.

Purchase a cheap villa in Italy

View your villa purchase in Italy as an investment. To do this, assess how property prices are trending in the region. If they are declining, you should consider that if you plan to invest significant funds in the villa’s renovation, the cost of repairs will also decrease along with the prices of other properties.

We want to emphasize that you should look at this purchase as an investment. After all, it’s incredibly satisfying to realize that if you renovate a home, its value appreciates year after year. If this aligns with your goals, we’ve written an informative article on how to buy affordable real estate for living.

List of Abandoned Italian villas for Sale

To see the entire list of real estate that you can buy, we suggest using the largest real estate website. Many are used to looking for apartments there, but if you set the right filter, you will see what is hidden from the eyes.

You must select palaces and buildings. Then choose a price and most importantly indicate the condition of the property. If you indicate to be repaired and restored you will see many offers all over Italy. We are sure that the prices for large and abandoned villas will surprise you.

Large house and villas in Italy

Let’s move on to abandoned villas. If you want to see the abandoned villas and their photos you can find some videos below. This video was made by guys who love to visit abandoned places in Italy. There are a lot of amazing places on their YouTube channel and maybe some of them are for sale. In any case, after we would recommend subscribing to their channel, also do not forget to get our free guide to houses for 1 euro. In the selection there are houses for 1 euro by the sea.

Risks of buying abandoned villas in Italy. Drawbacks and recommendations

  • Prepare a good budget. If you misjudge the condition of the house before purchasing, its restoration can incur significant expenses. Before signing a preliminary contract, it is advisable to call in a technician to assess possible vulnerabilities.
  • Derelict houses for sale may not be ruins but houses with historical heritage. This means that special requirements for the quality of work will be imposed on its restoration. You may need specialized builders who specialize in restoration. Such services usually come at a high cost.
  • Ensure that your property is not located in a seismically active region. You understand that earthquakes are a risk, but if you have planned to purchase such old dilapidated houses for business, you may be required to ensure that your building meets a certain seismic safety class. This can incur additional expenses.
  • Ask yourself if there is the necessary personnel for construction in your region. Consider how you will address this issue.

Is it necessary to be a citizen of the European Union to buy property in Italy?


Can you take advantage of bonuses for reconstruction or earthquake bonuses?


How does Italy assist businessmen buying abandoned property for business purposes?

If you plan to purchase property in a specific region and have several options, we recommend paying attention to:
1. Special economic zones in Italy and Sicily where there are tax advantages.
2. Business support programs organized by each municipality.


In conclusion, acquiring an abandoned villa in Italy presents an exciting opportunity that can be not only a real estate investment but also an immersion into a unique cultural experience. The challenges and difficulties of restoration are coupled with the prospect of creating a successful business venture and increasing the value of your property.

However, before embarking on this captivating journey, it is crucial to thoroughly research the market, familiarize yourself with local laws and requirements, and have a clear financial plan.

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  1. Richard Uribe says:

    Hello my name is Richard Uribe and im very intereested in buying this abondant villas is their a program or something?

  2. Reinaldo Martínez says:

    Hello. I am Reinaldo Martínez from Venezuela. I am interested in locating a small property in Italy by the sea to restore and revitalise. I may also present a plan to refurbish these properties as a tourist attraction for anyone willing to become a partner, even the municipality. Please reply to [email protected] thanks.

  3. Militza Van Eck says:

    Hi I’m very interested in buying a abandoned building with land if possible. Can you also tell me more about the programm for housing in Albidona, Presicce-Acquarica and Fabbriche di Vergemoli. Its greatly appreciated, Thank you.

  4. Adriaan H Stander says:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to request additional information regarding the villas for sale in Italy. As a resident of South Africa planning for my retirement, I am interested in exploring this opportunity to engage in a meaningful project and avoid sitting idle during my retirement.

    I would appreciate it if you could provide me with more information regarding the availability of multiple units for purchase and the feasibility of renovating them.

    Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Best regards.